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Blooming Tea

18 February, 2021

Blooming Tea

Blooming tea (also known as Flowering tea) are hand-crafted bundles of green or white tea leaves and flowers bunched artfully into small balls that, when placed into hot water, unfurl their leaves and seem to bloom.


The leaves will open one by one, like petals slowly unfolding, then the dried natural flowers gracefully unfold into full coloured blossoms, floating above the white tea base.

Precious and prized, these teas create magic moments in a tea-lovers life. Highly aromatic with a clean and refreshing taste.

Boil water to fill your glass teapot or tall glass mug. I boil water in my electric kettle let the water cool down, or add cool water to bring the temperature down to about 70 to 80 degrees, Never use boiling water as it will burn the tea and cause a bitter taste. Place your tea ball in the bottom of your teapot and very slowly pour the water over it, pouring slowly will stop the tea ball from floating to the top. It should take about 5 minutes for the ball to unfurl and reveal it’s beautiful design. Pour into your cup, sip, and enjoy!
 We have a beautiful selection of blooming tea. Our popular White Jasmine and our exquisite Pink Amaranth, are both sold individually. Also available is a beautifully presented Gift Box of 7 unique blooms. 
A great gift for any occasion!

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